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As seen on ELK CAMP TV... Hunt the big bulls of Arizona with us.

Finances no longer stand in the way of an Arizona dream elk hunt!

Is this some sort of gimmick... What's the catch?
No this is not a gimmick or scam whatsoever.  Just ask the ZERO Hunt Fees members who drew high quality Arizona elk tags this year!  And yes, their membership in the program covered their guided hunt fees! 
There truly is no catch- you join ZERO Hunt Fees and when you draw a tag, your hunt fees are covered. It's as simple as that!  Ask yourself if you would rather pay $5,000-$7,000+ for your elk hunt or let your ZERO Hunt Fees membership cover that cost?  We think the answer is a no-brainer.

Who chooses what units I can apply for, or can I hunt anywhere I choose?

What separates our service is that we allow you to be personally involved in the unit choice selection and application process so that you know what you are applying for and the process is "hands on."  We don't just take your credit card number and apply you with you having ZERO knowledge of what hunts you are being applied for!

With this program we target many of the 14+ elk units that we specialize & guide in.  There are literally dozens of elk hunts offered under the ZHF program!  Our goal is to provide our members with an exceptional hunt when they do draw, so many hunt units are targeted. 

Do I have to be a member for a certain amount of years before my guided hunt fees are covered?

No, you do not.  Your guided hunt fees are covered as soon as you join and make your first membership payment!  And it is possible to draw a tag on the first year that you are a member!  The sooner you join the more your yearly benefits will increase.
So enrolling now is to your advantage!  Once you join there are no guide fees to pay- EVER!  All you do is keep your membership current and we take care of the rest!

Besides the membership fee of $399 or $449 per year, what are my other costs associated with an Arizona elk hunt?

To apply for an elk tag in the Arizona draw, the average annual cost for non-residents is $95 per year ($175 one year and $15 the following year and so on).  If you draw an elk tag, then the tag is $650 but only charged IF you draw.  These expenses are NOT covered by the ZHF Membership. 

For residents the average annual cost is $31.50 per year to apply and $135 for the elk tag IF you draw.

Lodging/Camp and meals are covered by the ZHF Membership.  Besides that, travel expenses, meat processing (optional- if you take the meat home & process yourself) and taxidermy (optional) would be additional costs.  Keep in mind that these are expenses that any elk hunter would pay.  Zero Hunt Fees is an amazing value and covers your guided hunt fees and the camp/lodging so that your overall hunt cost is kept incredibly low!

Typically, on average how long will it take me to draw a tag as a non-resident?
That depends on several variables such as weapon choice, season dates, and hunt units applied for.
The good news is that with the how the Arizona draw works, it is possible for a non-resident to draw ANY hunt on any given year, regardless of whether you've applied before or not, or how many bonus points that you have.  We have had multiple ZHF Members draw on their very first time applying!  This is because 50% of the non-resident tags are available in the random part of the draw!  

In general it's very hard to predict or give an average draw time since 50% of the non resident tags are random and can be issued to anyone regardless of bonus points. The Arizona draw is a perfect 50/50 hybrid draw for non-residents which makes it the best in the west.
Another great thing about the Arizona draw is that it legitimately considers both your 1st and your 2nd choice on your application. 

Again, you could draw right away or it could take longer- it just depends on luck of the draw!

Who will be guiding me when I draw my Arizona elk tag?

We team you with one of our local, professional, skilled, and hard working guides to provide you with an exceptional hunt and experience.  You will not be "subbed out" to another guide service. See our hunter testimonials to be confident in our ability to deliver on what we promise!


Can I join with a friend and apply together for a tag on the same application?

Yes you can definitely join and apply with a friend!  Arizona allows for up to 4 applicants on an application.  Even if your friend does not join Zero Hunt Fees, you can still join and have your hunt covered by your membership.

Can anyone sign up to be a ZHF Member?
Currently we are offering memberships to both residents & non-residents of the state of Arizona. 

What happens if I decide to cancel or fail to pay my membership fees?
You may cancel your membership at any time from the program.  You are not "locked in" to the membership.  However, if you cancel or do not pay for membership fees, your guided hunt fees are no longer covered and no membership fees can be reimbursed.  No refunds can be issued because the member has the chance to draw a tag on any year.  

Is this program the best option for a guided hunt for all individuals?
We truly believe that for any individual who cannot afford an all inclusive, fully outfitted Arizona trophy elk hunt, or for someone who would rather not pay a large, lump sum guide fee that this program is an incredible value and opportunity.  Our goal with this program was to make a guided elk hunt a real possibility for anyone- not just those who are blessed enough to afford an expensive, regular fee guided elk hunt.

Couldn't someone just save the money for a hunt themselves rather than becoming a ZHF member?
A person certainly could establish their own hunting fund with the intention of saving up enough money for a guided hunt.  The challenge with this approach is, what if you draw a tag before you've saved up enough money for the guided hunt?  The advantage of the ZHF program over self savings is that your hunt fees are totally covered starting from your very first year!

How are you able to offer this membership and service both ZERO Hunt Fees members and regular guided hunt clients?
Each year we have hunt openings that go unfilled.  This is due to our bookings being solely based on the Arizona draw results.  Since very few applicants are "guaranteed" to draw a tag, we may visit with many hunters who desire to book a hunt with us but don't draw a tag.  Because of this we are able to easily accommodate both members and regular guided clients who draw tags and offer both members and regular clients the same level of great service.

Why do you offer the Zero Hunt Fees Membership for elk only and not other animals?
There is a popular saying "Jack of All Trades, Master of None."  It is defined as, "A figure of speech used in reference to a person who has dabbled in many skills, rather than gaining expertise by focusing on one. ... This person is a generalist rather than a specialist."
This saying is true both in work and in hunting. We have specialized in guiding elk hunts for over two decades and believe that by intensely focusing on one animal, we are more able to master the craft. 

We love elk and believe that they are a very special, set apart animal- one that is more fun to hunt than any other animal on the planet.  That is why we are so passionate about focusing on and guiding hunts for elk!  If you feel the same way about elk as we do, then our program is a perfect fit for you!

Does my membership automatically renew each year?

Yes. Once your membership is purchased it will automatically renew each year. We want to make sure that you do not miss out on the chance of a lifetime by missing a year of membership. This also allows you peace of mind for never forgetting to renew your membership. This is done through our secure system with your information being protected. If your credit card expires or is declined you will receive an email from us notifying you of that. We will also follow up with you if we need to make changes to your payment method. 

Can I cancel my membership?

Absolutely. We know and understand that you may need to cancel your membership and that is ok with us. If you would like to cancel your membership please call us at 1-800-383-6223 before your membership renewal date. 

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